Clinical trials

Clinical trials are at the heart of our mission to develop groundbreaking medicines that improve lives. Read more about our approach here

Our Clinical Trials Portal

Clinical trials are a critical part of our journey to evaluate investigational treatments and seek approval from health authorities such as the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

At Galapagos, we organize clinical trials in various therapeutic areas, conducting research that paves the way for innovative solutions.

Visit our Clinical Trials portal to explore more about clinical trials.

Clear health communications

Raising the bar by reducing the health literacy gap

Health information can be very complex. Explaining to patients a disease or how to take a drug or a drug’s potential side effects can be difficult and can prevent patients from making informed decisions about managing their condition.

Read more on Health Literacy and what Galapagos is doing to reduce the health literacy gap.

Empowering patient decision-making through Health Literary

Health Literacy means having the knowledge, personal skills, and confidence to take decisions about personal health. As it plays an important role in how patients can understand and act on health information, helping patients understand their health and treatments is critical.

Galapagos has made an important step forward in developing clear health communications and patient-facing documents in clinical trials.

  • We support patients with fit-for-purpose documentation such as the Informed Consent Forms (ICFs) and Lay Study Result Summaries to encourage better health-related conversations that may help improve outcomes for patients.
  • Everyone involved in reviewing, writing or designing patient facing materials can promote health literacy by understanding and advocating the concept and integrating it where relevant in their work. To that means, Galapagos provides employees access to a Health Literacy Guide.

Hear more about Health Literacy

Hear from Manuela, one of our Galapagos patient advocacy leaders, as she explains what Health Literacy is, and why it matters so much to us.

Heidi Muller

Head of Patient Advocacy

We want to improve health literacy, as if we help patients better understand health information, they will be better equipped to take health-related decisions and may change their behavior, like adopting a healthier lifestyle. Or, health literacy can help patients making a confident decision about participating to a clinical trial.

Informed Consent

Helping patients better understand clinical trial requirements

Information for trial participants is crucial as it respects autonomy, protects individuals from harm, fulfills ethical and legal obligations, fosters trust and transparency, and ensures regulatory compliance.

Given the nature of clinical research – and despite the strong safeguards and regulations that are in place – participants may expose themselves to potential risks. Joining a clinical trial can be a demanding experience and requires courage to help bring a potentially much-needed medicine to the market.

Read more on our efforts below.

Information: a trial requirement

As part of the requirements for conducting a clinical trial, Galapagos has to provide potential participants with a document called the informed consent form. It contains everything from the details of a study to the associated risks and potential benefits. This document can be quite complex as it contains scientific, medical and legal language, which is not always well understood by everyone. One also has to keep in mind that the circumstances surrounding an individual’s decision to participate in a clinical trial can bring additional strain and worry for the potential participants.

Well-informed decision, no misinterpretations

This may lead them to miss out on some important information or simply not understand all the details provided in the informed consent form. In some cases, this could mean that a person would participate in a trial without fully understanding what is expected, or, conversely, that someone decides not participate because something was misunderstood.

How we provide clarity

To help potential participants take a well-informed decision, we have been working on improving the Galapagos informed consent form. Together with patients and writers, clinical trial managers, doctors, site and patient engagement leaders, quality monitors, regulatory advisors, scientists, legal and data privacy officers, we have reviewed, revised and redesigned the template informed consent form for participants in clinical trials, with the goal to increase readability and clarity and to remove duplication.

Revised and redesigned Informed Consent Form

Content reduction

We reduced the content with 40%, while remaining compliant with regulations

Lay language

We explained complex scientific, medical and legal terms in lay language

Participant’s perspective

We looked at the form from the participant’s perspective and came up with a more logical information flow

Better design

We used design elements to make the information more accessible

Compassionate Use Program

Expanded Access

Galapagos is committed to advancing the development and commercialization of novel medicines. We highly encourage patients to take part in our clinical trials, as they play an indispensable role in generating the data needed for the evaluation and approval of investigational products.

In exceptional circumstances where patients are unable to participate in clinical trials and have exhausted all available treatment options, Galapagos may explore providing an investigational product through our “expanded access” program, also known as “compassionate use”.

For detailed information about our expanded access program, please refer to Galapagos’ policy on providing investigational products outside of clinical trials.

It’s important to note that at present, Galapagos does not have active compassionate use programs for any indications.

Innovating together!

Investigator Sponsored Research (ISR)

Galapagos supports external research activities that complement our product pipeline and clinical expertise, adding medical knowledge. This external research can supplement the comprehensive data generated in registration studies by supplying valuable information about the safety, efficacy, pharmacology and tolerability and economic value of our drug candidates and medicines.

Galapagos supports external research through unsolicited funding requests. These are evaluated through our Investigator Sponsored Research (ISR) process.

Note to Investigators

Dear Investigator,

Thank you for your interest in Investigator sponsored research (ISR). Kindly note that Galapagos is currently not supporting any new ISR proposals. New guidance on areas of interest and review timelines will be provided in due time. Please contact your local MSL should you want to further discuss.

Funding approval criteria

To be eligible for funding, the proposed research activity must be

  • in line with our product strategy and answering to named data gaps
  • intended to contribute knowledge to the medical community
  • budgeted reasonably and appropriately for the proposed work.

The ability and experience of the investigator(s) will be considered, and the feasibility of the study will be assessed.

Areas of interest & timelines

New guidance on areas of interest and review timelines will be provided in due time.

Process for ISR support

Your request will be reviewed by our cross-functional committee that may suggest to improve the scientific merit of the proposal and enhance consistency with Galapagos’ approval criteria described above. However, the study sponsor, the principal investigator will have full and final discretion and responsibility for all aspects of the study design, implementation, data analysis, and data dissemination, including compliance with all laws and regulations applicable to research sponsors.

The terms under which Galapagos will supply support are described in a signed contract. Galapagos gives no guarantees that the external research support supplied will fully fund the entirety of your work, and Galapagos is thus not liable for changes in budget after acceptance.

Our stories

More about our company, science and people

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Pioneering for patients!

We focus on the key therapeutic areas of immunology and oncology, where we have developed a deep scientific expertise in multiple drug modalities, including small molecules and cell therapies.